
Originated in China at Wuhan, Covid-19 a virus caused the entire world a stand still. In India the the first incidence was noticed in Kerala, where 3 Kerala students returned from China with Covid positive. But with strict precautions and scientific control we could prevent its spreading. But that was not the end of it. Later in March, the incidence started increasing. Now India is the 7th in maximum Covid 19 cases around the world. But despite these increase in number Kerala showed a remarkable achievement in controlling the disease and giving proper treatment. Break the chain campaign was one of the most successful action taken against this global pandemic. The entire system was locked down. School, Colleges, public transport system, offices, industries everything was closed because of this. Schools in Kerala were closed in the early weeks of March and its reopening after summer vacation will be a distant dream. Finding that lock down might cause sever adverse effect on the children with various challenges, Adarsh started online training programmes, counselling sessions, etc for the children which to certain extent gave the parents a good relief.

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