Special Approach to Special Needs

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Adarsh is a life-changing experience for all children who need special care. Rose (name changed) is one such kid. She was 7 months old when she came to the Early Intervention Unit at Adarsh Rehabilitation Centre. She had hypotonia, also known as floppy head syndrome, because of which she couldn’t walk or even sit up straight. However, we never failed to encourage her. With the help of therapies and exercises like patterning, crawling, etc., she can now stand up straight with a little support. Consistent support from Adarsh and her parents has led to gradual improvement in her health.

Adarsh Charitable Trust has also been playing a significant role in creating awareness about the societal stigmas concerning disability. Unfortunately, discrimination starts early from home due to ignorance when the family refuses to accept that their child needs special care. This happens often due to the pressure of maintaining a high status in the society, as disability is perceived in a negative sense by most people. The previous story of Rose is a great example which proves that intervention at an early age from the family’s side has a positive impact on the betterment of a special child’s quality of life. Had Rose’s parents been hesitant about the whole situation, the treatment process would have taken a longer time. We should acknowledge that many physically and psychologically challenged people are also subjected to bullying, abuse and other forms of discrimination. Despite the many provisions like the ‘Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016’, we live in a world where such abuse is still in practice. Adarsh has always condemned and taken a strong stance on abuse against PWDs.

After visiting Adarsh Charitable Trust on December 17, 2005, Honourable Ex-president of India Dr APJ Abdul Kalam said, “I am confident that Adarsh Charitable Trust will bring smiles to the children and their parents, and light the lamp of happiness in their lives. My greetings and best wishes to all the members of Adarsh Charitable Trust”.

Adarsh, a charitable institution, has been relentlessly trying to create a safe space for special kids for the past 26 years. We have been collecting donations from across the world to provide a better life for them. Many corporations and individuals have been kind enough to contribute generously to the well-being of these children. We require your ardent support in fulfilling our mission to work for the betterment of physically and mentally challenged individuals. You can show your support through monetary means, which will be used to provide adequate health, academic and other miscellaneous facilities for them. Click here to donate.

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