Category: Adarsh Charitable Trust

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When Feeding is a Struggle

Children generally express strong likings for certain kinds of foods. So too children with autism. Often, if not most of the times, these kinds of foods tend to be unhealthy...

Inclusion: A Continuing Conscientious Commitment

Inclusion doesn’t happen in a day. Not when the subjects of inclusion require special attention and special care. Nor does it happen with individual effort or as a solo endeavour....

Special Approach to Special Needs

Adarsh is a life-changing experience for all children who need special care. Rose (name changed) is one such kid. She was 7 months old when she came to the Early...

Designing differently!

  One of the key focus areas in Adarsh is making the children as self-dependent as possible in their daily activities. That begins from brushing their teeth to making their...

Stories Untold

Our heartiest welcome to all our readers, well-wishers, patrons, associates, friends, and the members of the public who have shown their interest and extended their support to us in the...