Studies all over the world indicate that the incidence of Cerebral Palsy & Autism is about 5-6 in thousand births. Some localized studies in Kerala also confirm these figures. This means that, out of 37 lac children, under the age of 6 in Kerala (Source: Census of 2001), over 200000 are affected by CP, Autism and Down Syndrome. The incidence of Learning Disability is 12-14%. In far-flung areas, rehabilitation is certainly not possible for want of adequate number of institutions. In fact, in the whole state of Kerala with a population of 3.2 Crores and population of 37 lacs under the age of 6, there are hardly a handful of institutions attempting specific rehabilitation for children with Cerebral Palsy, Autism and Down syndrome separately.
Adarsh has been successful in motivating others interested in the problems of differently abled children. The following special schools have come up as a result of motivation of and with the technical support of Adarsh.
We could also extend our technical expertise to 4 existing special schools, where children with Cerebral Palsy and Autism were not getting proper rehabilitation assistance. There, we usually do all the basic assessment and intervention according to the need of the child. During the initial period, we send our teachers to the school for technical support who are also given training at Adarsh. Such technical support was given to the following special schools: